Wednesday, 21 October 2009

LED Technology Used in LED TV

LED monitors and displays are common-place in the computing world. They provide sharp images and great contrast levels compared with standard LCD monitors. The difference with standard LCD and LED displays is with regards to the technology that is used to light the displays. LED displays still utilize LCD panels but they use light emitting diodes (LEDs) rather than fluorescent lights to provide the back or side lights. Due to the use of LEDs, these types of displays produce better quality of pictures and are beginning to truly rival plasma televisions.

As is typical with the introduction of new technologies to the marketplace, displays which LED employ LED technology are still expensive. But as popularity increases and production methods are improved this situations will improve. Also it is worth noting that LED displays are not currently available for screen sizes much bigger than 40 inches.

For the more eco-friendly of consumers, it is pleasing to know that LED technology is playing its part in helping the planet as LEDs have improved the energy efficiency by up to 30% when compared with similar fluorescent LCD displays. When viewed as a long term investment the cost saving this reflects is significant, especially considering that an LED TV or display would expect to have a longer life than previous fluorescent lit models.

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