Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Which Full HD Plasma TV

Plasma televisions have advantages over LCD televisions, however they do also have some negative points.

The plus points of Full HD Plasma TV sets include the availability of very large screen sizes (60inch+ plasmas are available). Plasmas are also capable of better colour reproduction producing very intense natural images. When compared with LCDs they have superior contrast ratios and are capable of displaying very dark blacks. They are also considered better at showing rapidly changing images, (however LCDs have improved in this area with faster response time).

These benefits do come at a cost, they are more expensive compared to LCD equivalent models, and especially with the large screen sizes available they can cost upwards of $6000. It is also said that plasmas suffer from screen burn, but for typical usage this is no longer a real problem. The only other possible disadvantage of plasmas is they are less energy efficient.

If you are considering buying a plasma, because of the premium price you will have to pay it would definitely be worth viewing one for yourself to compare to LCD equivalent displays. This way you can judge for yourself if the picture quality justifies the higher price.

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